Learn the Cause of Disease
Creating Health

Natural Parenting
An Innate Desire to Create Healthy and Happy Babies
1st Edition

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©2006 by Rami Nagel

Within each one of us lies an instinct which can be the center of one of the most important parts of many people’s lives, being a parent. Unfortunately many of us have become disconnected with this natural and intuitive part of ourselves. The result is that we raise our children in the same disconnected manner as is common in Western society. The reason why you might want to end this cycle is because this disconnection from Parent to Child, and from the Parent to themselves, creates, and is the source of unfathomable amounts of suffering. This booklet is a summary of concepts which are based on the Parenting Instinct. While the details of the booklet may not be exactly accurate, or may not be exactly true for you, they serve as a close reminder, and refresher that will point you towards and support you in reclaiming your inner instincts.

“It takes courage to trust your intuition because people around you are not doing it. The benefits of trusting your intuition are; a sense of strength, feeling connected with all of life, feeling peace, and embodying true success.” True success is a feeling of fulfillment and completion that perhaps only you feel. The outer world may not acknowledge it, or may even shun it. In our culture, we typically identify success as someone who as made a lot of money, is famous, or is recognized in the world. In following these practices the joy and fulfillment within you will increase.

This booklet is mostly a collection of information from a variety of sources. The links to the sources are included so that you can further your own research. I have chosen sources which convey ways of life that support our natural instincts.

What is the Parental Instinct?
Many people have an intuitive feeling within ourselves when something is right or wrong in our lives. We have senses of intuition, that direct us into different life situations. We know sometimes what we want to eat, and sometimes we do not know. The Parental Instinct is the idea that there is a sacred and deep part of ourselves, connected to our nervous system, rooted in the DNA structure of our cells, and in the deeper more mammalian parts of our brain, that knows how to raise children. This same instinct is in mammals, our closest relatives on earth, they inherently know how to raise their young in harmony with Nature. Humans posses these same instincts. While all of us have these instincts, few of us live by these instincts. The instincts are a feeling sense of aliveness, they are a cross between a feeling of energy, and a conscious awareness that permeates the mind and body. When aligned with your internal instincts, your cellular structure resonates with the whole of creation. This instinct, helps us align with the cycles of life, the seasons, birth and death, and so on.

Key Signs of the Instinct
The parental instinct is a movement towards unity. It seeks union. It is an energy set in motion which seeks to stay connected and feel unified. It is an energy which seeks and desires to reproduce. It longs for and seeks safety, it knows truth, and protects its children at all costs. The instinct at best can be described as a feeling of connection within your body, that is accessed when the mind is quiet and at rest.

The Loss of the Parental Instinct
Our culture is inundated and is based upon the loss of this instinct. Rather than work with Nature, and her principals, we fight them. We do not walk on and feel the earth beneath our feet, we feel carpet and concrete, and hardwood floors. When we look towards our parents, we do not see this instinct. Many children feel alienated from their parents, or disconnected and so seek to move away from them during adult hood. When we grow up, and seek to have our own children, we may, without thought, habitually follow the old habits of our parents, or we may look outside of ourselves to our culture to decide what to do. What if what our culture does to our children is wrong? We see children screaming, children in day cares not with their mothers at even 6 months old, children strapped into restraints, children being wheeled around in strollers. Many times children our forced against their will and comfort to be strapped down in car seats and strollers. Parents then make up mental excuses for confining their child instead of feeling the pain and discomfort they are causing their children. There are many things we do not see, women suffering in childbirth, over 150,000 babies are born with birth defects yearly, over 27,000 babies die in their first year of life. As these infants grow, the preference of our culture is to abandon them; we do not feed them milk from their mother but from a factory in a plastic bottle, if they are fed breast milk, it is usually for a very short length of time, we let them cry without consoling them, we send them off to daycare at a young age, as if we would prefer someone else to be their parents. Many of us where raised in a manner such as this, and after many years of being treated like an object, or as if our feelings where not important, we numb out and we become disconnected to the feeling vibrations in our bodies, we loose our parental instincts, and eventually as adults we raise our children in the same manner as we where raised, or how society suggests.

The Return of the Parental Instinct
For thousands of years, our ancestors have followed a very specific formula for creating and raising children. This formula was not created from the mind or by science, it is a formula encoded in our genetics created by the mysterious force that moves through life. The formula, and formula is not necessarily the best description of it, is a loving way of being connected with life that compels humans to follow their nature to live in a certain peaceful and harmonious way. This way of living, prevents illness, prevents birth complications, and ensures for the highest probability that nature will create a robust and healthy child. This way of being, also shows the child, how to be an adult that lives in harmony with life. An adult that is at peace with themselves, that does no harm to other’s because he loves them. And that seeks to create a feeling of unity everywhere he goes.

The Creators of this Booklet
This is a Collaborative method between partners Rami and Michelle and our daughter. While most of the work and research and writing is done by Rami, Michelle claims this to be an equal and collaborative venture. Michelle contributions include breastfeeding and eating lots of food, which gives me time and space to create this project. I do not mind doing most of the work, but honestly, Motherhood and Fatherhood are equally important, yet their roles are completely different. The Mother, without the support of the Father or her community, cannot hold and create a safe space for her child. The Father, without the Mother, cannot go out into the world and do what he needs to do, because the Mother is not nurturing his child. What we share with you is related largely to our personal experience of parenthood. We wish you will see the truth in our words, and desire to raise your child in a manner which honors your child’s needs, and your own instinctual calling. In this way, you will find fulfillment as a parent.

Michelle and I are praying that you find truth in your heart.

The Natural Instinct Will Create Fulfillment & Give Life
That Natural Instinct seeks to fulfill itself. The reason why we are creating this is because there is a great need in the Western world to start raising children humanely. When we raised our daughter, mirroring our parenting after the style of parenting found in many indigenous cultures, we found that we had no support. People mostly, even our families, where in complete disbelief of our child raising habits. Meanwhile, we are in disbelief about how anybody can raise their child the “normal” way. We find it to be a type of unconscious way of living which denies the existence of life. The purpose of this paper is to educate you about how we raised our daughter, and to dispel the common notions of child raising, in an effort to bring a new more loving presence to the process. This not only will DRAMATICALLY change your child, it is the key to finding deep fulfillment as a parent.

These practices, are life giving. Many things written here you will probably never even hear about even from a majority of alternative minded doctors or midwifes. Yet these ideas constitute the re-emergence, for those of you who wish it, of a way of child raising that fosters a deep connection and sense of belonging. In raising children in this manner, we bring people into the world who feel connected to life. When they are connected to life, they care about nature, about other people and the planet. Conversely, in feeling disconnected with life, we can easily inflict pain or violence on others, and on our planet with little regard for life and not even be aware we are doing it. Living in a disconnected manner is an unconscious way of living because nobody is or can be separate from life, and yet many of our child raising practices are done in a manner which assumes a separated existence and a world in which life is paralleled with suffering.

Inner Wisdom and Listening to Your Instincts
What each individual needs is different. All too often we are easily influenced by what the outer world is doing. We do not listen to the quiet, delicate, and strong voice that comes from within. Everything in this booklet, is meant to be a reminder of what that voice might be telling you. Wisdom is like a babbling brook, it flows from within, and all it needs is an ear to listen to it. Take a moment now, a pause and break from your normal stream of thoughts. Feel your breath coming into and out of your nose. Inhale… Exhale… As you take deep breathes, you not only expel toxins that are from the cellular metabolic process, you may also notice a deep sense of peace, tranquility and inner knowing.

The Danger of Birth Control Pills
”In The Breast Cancer Prevention Program, Sam Epstein, MD, writes, ‘more than 20 well-controlled studies have demonstrated the clear risk of premenopausal breast cancer with the use of oral contraceptives. These estimates indicate that a young woman who uses oral contraceptives has up to ten times the risk for developing breast cancer as does a non-user, particularly if she uses the Pill during her teens or early twenties; if she uses the Pill for two years or more; if she uses the Pill before her first full-term pregnancy; if she has a family history of breast cancer.’”
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/women/reprod-health.html, Katie Singer

Fertility, Infertility and the Natural Birth Control Pill Alternative
“Fertility Awareness (FA), a natural method for preventing or achieving pregnancy based on a woman's daily charting of her waking temperature, cervical fluid and cervix changes. According to numerous studies, the method is virtually as effective as the contraceptive pill in preventing pregnancy, if its rules are [strictly] followed.”

Fertility is also likely related to a Woman’s diet. Geraldine Matus, a Canadian midwife states : “I rarely see women with normal charts. I think this reflects the use of hormonal birth control—by today's women and their mothers… And the typical North American diet (which includes hormonally treated animal products, fast foods, and a deficit of fresh, non-processed foods) also interferes with the normal functioning of male and female reproductive systems."
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/women/fertility.html Katie Singer

If a Woman is infertile and cannot conceive, one place to begin looking for a solution is towards her diet. A deficiency in nutrients, or an excessive accumulation of toxins in the body can create infertility.

Proper Nutrition (Before Pregnancy, During Pregnancy, and During Lactation)
Nutrition Introduction
The importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy has been greatly underestimated in the West. Many of the conditions that are of deep concern for the Mother, such as ensuring for a safe and healthy birth, preventing birth defects, having a healthy child, all are significantly influenced by nutrition. Significantly is probably not a strong enough word, if you do not take an extra effort to ensure that you are eating well, than you are setting yourself up to suffer, and for you child to suffer as well. Unfortunately our culture sadly lacks the ability to share this information with Mothers. Take action and research your diet and nutritional needs!

Many people tell me, with so many diets and so on out in the world, how do you know what is right and whom to trust? You can only trust yourself really. Thia particular dietary advice may not be right for everybody. Some people may have a sensitivity towards digesting and assimilating certain types of proteins, carbohydrates and fats from years of eating unhealthy commercial proteins, carbohydrates and fast. For short or long periods, you may need to abstain from certain types of foods. Only you know what is right for you. There are a few dietary laws which are essentially universal and irrefutable. If you feel conflicted by anything that is written, please take that as an opportunity to do your own research on the subject. How rare it is for a Mother to research about the nutrition which she needs in a serious manner.

Before reviewing the diet recommendations. It is important for you to have a conceptual understanding about why nutrition is important, and how common false nutritional beliefs in our culture actually create illness.

Universal Food Laws
Dark Leafy Green Vegetables are almost always excellent for your health
Animal Products contain essential fat soluble vitamins that are absolutely NOT ATTAINABLE from plant sources
The foods and substances on the avoid list are foods that are essentially poisonous, and you should absolutely avoid them at all costs all the time!

Modern Foods Lead to Decay and Disease
Dr. Weston Price was a dentist who traveled around the world in the 1930’s studying the diet’s of primitive peoples isolated from the modern world who did not consume any modern foods. One of the isolated groups of people Dr. Priced studied was the Australia Aborigines. “Wherever the primitive Aborigines have been placed in reservations and fed on the white man's foods of commerce dental caries has become rampant. This destroys their beauty, prevents mastication, and provides infection for seriously injuring their bodies.” The disparity of the near perfect teeth from the Aborigines eating their natural fair, and the severely decay teeth from Aborigines eating the white man’s food is due largely to a deficiency in nutrients. Dr. Price found that primitive people’s on average enjoyed 4-10 times more nutrients in their foods than what the United States government recommends its citizens to eat. In eating sub-standard foods, a vast majority of the American population is far below the inferior US recommended daily allowance (RDA) for nutrients. Not only did eating “white man’s foods” decay the teeth of indigenous people’s, it also over time made them infertile, made giving birth severely long and painful, created birth defects, and led to many people suffering a wide variety of diseases, which when eating their primitive diet, they where immune to. Dr. Price also noted that “It should be a matter not only of concern but deep alarm that human beings can degenerate physically so rapidly by the use of a certain type of nutrition..”
The Importance of Proper Nutrition During Pre-Pregnancy through Lactation
“The importance of good nutrition for mothers during pregnancy has long been recognized, but Dr. Price's investigation showed that primitives understood and practiced preconception nutritional programs for BOTH parents. Many tribes required a period of premarital nutrition, and children were spaced to permit the mother to maintain her full health and strength, thus assuring physical excellence to subsequent offspring.
Special foods were often given to pregnant and lactating women, as well as to the maturing boys and girls, in preparation for future parenthood. Dr. Price found these foods to be very rich in fat soluble vitamins A, vitamin D and Activator X —nutrients found only in animal fats.”
“These primitives with their fine bodies, homogeneous reproduction, emotional stability and freedom from degenerative ills stand forth in sharp contrast to those subsisting on the impoverished foods of civilization —sugar, white flour, pasteurized lowfat milk and convenience foods filled with extenders and additives.”
Source: http://www.realmilk.com/price.html

Nutrient Deficiency
Table 3A.--Nutrient intakes: Percentages of individuals with diets below selected levels of the (RDAs), by sex and age, 2-day average [intakes], 1994-96

Vitamin A Below 50% RDA Below 75% RDA Below 100% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 31.7% 52.8% 68.4%
Women Ages 30-39 30.5% 48.4% 61.0%

Vitamin E Below 50% RDA Below 75% RDA Below 100% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 24.2% 53.6% 73.8%
Women Ages 30-39 21.6% 49.9% 71.1%

What this means is for example that on average, 73.8% of Women ages 20-29 are below meeting the level of the US RDA requirements for health. 24.2% of all Women in the US ages 20-29 do not eat meet half of the US RDA requirements for minimum nutrition related to vitamin E.

Table 3B.--

Percentage of Women who begin to near the level of Nutrients of Indigenous Peoples (In other words, the amount of nutrients our bodies really need)

Vitamin A Above 200% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 10.5%
Women Ages 30-39 11.5%

Vitamin E Above 200% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 3.9%
Women Ages 30-39 3.0%

Source: Supplementary Data Tables, USDA, 1994-1996 http://www.barc.usda.gov/bhnrc/foodsurvey/home.htm

What this means is that only 3.9% of all Women in the US eat more than twice what the US RDA recommends for health for vitamin E. In other words, only 3.9% of Women are possibly close to eating the same level of Vitamin E that Dr. Price found Indigenous peoples ate, the amount of vitamin E required for health.

Diet Overview Guildlines
“Dr. Weston Price’s studies revealed that these foods – including organ meats, fish heads, fish eggs, shell fish, insects and animal fats – were rich in fat soluble vitamins A and D as well as macro- and trace minerals. Couples planning to have children should eat liberally of organic liver and other organ meats, fish eggs and other seafood, eggs, and the best quality butter, cream and fermented milk products they can obtain for at least six months before conception.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, page 598

Indigenous People go to great lengths to create Healthy Babies
“Indigenous People’s from around the world carried out special programs to produce physically excellent babies. ‘Costal Residents of the Eskimos, South Sea Islands, North Australia, Gaelic and Peruvian Indians used Fish Eggs. Cattle tribes in African and in the Swiss alps, Asia and Northern India, used very high quality of dairy products. “Among the primitive Masai in certain districts of Africa, the girls were required to wait for marriage until the time of the year when the cows were on the rapidly growing young grass and to use the milk from these cows for a certain number of months before they could be married.” In several agricultural tribes in Africa, the girls were fed on special foods for six months before marriage.’“
Source: Weston Price, From Nourishing Traditions, Page 315

Key Nutrient: Activator X
“Discovered by Weston Price, this fat-soluble nutrient is a potent catalyst to mineral absorption. It is found in certain n fatty parts of animals that feed on young green growing plants or microorganisms, such as organ meats, fish and shellfish, fish eggs and butter from cows eating rapidly growing green grass of spring and fall pasturage. Largely absent today, the Price Factor was present in all traditional diets.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions page 39

Key Vitamin for Health and Body Building: Vitamin A
Weston Price discovered that healthy indigenous peoples especially valued vitamin A rich foods for growing children and pregnant mothers. Good sources are natural butter and cod liver oil. “Vitamin A is stored in the liver and other organs. Pregnancy and lactation can deplete vitamin A stores.”
Source: Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions, Page 560

Key Vitamin for Women: Vitamin E
“The evidence indicates that a very important factor in the lowering of reproductive efficiency of womanhood is directly related to the removal of vitamin E in the processing of wheat. The germ of wheat is our most readily available source of that vitamin.”
Source: Weston Price, Sited in Nourishing Traditions, Page 480

Essentially the only way to obtain healthy wheat products (or other grains) is to buy organic whole grains and to grind the grains at home. The grains are then soaked overnight in an acidic medium. This destroys nutrient blocking phyic acid which is in the outer layer of the grain. Recipes for cooking in this manner are available in Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon. I believe vitamins from properly prepared grains to be essential for health and happiness. Organic Wheat Germ oil is an alternative way to get some vitamin E intake. When we make wheat products at home, with the freshly ground grains, we get a natural high from eating them because they contain thyroid boosting vitamins. Foods such as blueberry pancakes and buttermilk biscuits lathered in butter.
“Soaking allows enzymes, lactobacilli and other helpful organism to break down and neutralize phytic acid.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, Page 452

Specialty Foods
Fish Eggs - “Fish eggs are valued by traditional peoples throughout the world for their ability to prevent problems of the thyroid gland, promote fertility, and nourish pregnant women and growing children.” Nourishing Traditions, Page 162
Wild Salmon – High Activator X, High Vitamin D, High Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA. Source: Summarized from Nourishing Traditions Page 418
Raw Butter and Cream from Pastured Cows – “Butter can be an especially rich source of Activator X when it comes from cows eating rapidly growing grass in the Spring and Fall seasons. It disappears in cows fed cottonseed meal or high protein soy-based feeds.” Source: http://www.realmilk.com/price.html
Cod Liver Oil – “This marvelous golden oil contains large amounts of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, essential nutrients that are hard to obtain in sufficient amounts in the modern diet. [It] may also naturally contain small amounts of the important bone- and blood-maintainer vitamin K.” (Not to exceed 30,000 IU a day)
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/codliveroil.html
Millet & Quinoa: Special soaked grain preparations of high mineral content--particularly millet and quinoa--were fed to lactating women to increase milk supply. Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/traditional_diets/ancient_dietary_wisdom.html
Dark Leafy Greens - “rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the prevention of birth defects.” Source: Nourishing Traditions page 598
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – To make, pour boiling water over the herb and let steep for 15-20 minutes covered. Drink Three or more cups per day during Pregnancy. “One of the most famous and widely used female tonic herbs; especially valued as a tonic during pregnancy. Contains fragarine, an alkaloid that tones and nourishes the uterus and pelvic region. A rich source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins B, C, and E.” Source: Rosemary Gladstar’s Family Herbal, Page 205

Food Synergy Combinations
“Many delicious traditional dishes provide a synergistic combination of fatty acids. These combine well with cream cheese and other cheese for a synergistic combination of fatty acids of the omega-3 family with fatty acids of the omega-6 family and saturated fatty acids – lox and cream cheese, caviar and sour cream, liver and bacon, salmon and Béarnaise sauce, dark green vegetables with butter, cream cheese and flax oil.”
Source: Tripping Lightly Down the Prostaglandin Pathways, from Nourishing Traditions, page 472

I have found these food combinations and variations based on them to be particularly nourishing and fulfilling.

Low Fat / Low Cholesterol Mythology
Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD calls the new guidelines from National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines for “converting healthy people into patients.”
“There is no evidence that too much animal fat and cholesterol in the diet promotes atherosclerosis or heart attacks. For instance, more than twenty studies have shown that people who have had a heart attack haven't eaten more fat of any kind than other people, and degree of atherosclerosis at autopsy is unrelated with the diet.”
Source: http://www.ravnskov.nu/ Uffe Ravnskov

“People with high cholesterol live the longest… Consider the finding of Dr. Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, who reported in 1994 that old people with low cholesterol died twice as often from a heart attack as did old people with a high cholesterol.1”
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/moderndiseases/benefits_cholest.html

Many Americans are told to eat a diet low in fat. Eating animal protein, with the fat removed is particularly unhealthy. “It is possible to starve to death eating lean meat. I’m not making this up. The ancient tribes of the West knew this and would not eat female bison in the spring because nursing and pregnant bison cows burned off their fat reserves during the winter months, leaving few calories in their flesh that might help the natives to digest the pure protein of the meat.”
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/traditional_diets/native_americans.html

High Fiber Mythology
“Bran fiber became popular after a British missionary surgeon named Dr. Dennis Burkitt announced the results of pioneering studies in the 1970’s noting that rural Africans on high-fiber diets had far less colon cancer than people in the West…. Dr. Burkitt’s basic premise was right, in my opinion, but the American median and health culture took ‘the fiber hypothesis’ in a totally different direction. While the African tribesmen Dr. Burkitt studied rarely ate grains, the idea was promoted in America that eating large amounts of bran fiber from whole-grain wheat would help prevent colon cancer, diverticulosis, hemorrhoid, and colonic polyps…. For thirty years, the grain-fiber hypothesis was considered the gospel truth. However, the truth is that bran fiber actually aggravates many of these conditions…. The over consumption of high-carbohydrate grain-based foods such as bran, fibrous breakfast cereals, whole-wheat bread (non-sprouted or [non-] fermented), and soy, which all contain high amounts of phytates, is a primary cause of intestinal disease and other diseases!”

“[R]ecommended fiber sources, the kind of fiber that promotes colon health… include broccoli, cauliflower, celery, and lettuce as well as soaked or sprouted seeds, nuts, grains and legumes. Berries and other small fruits along with fruits and vegetables with edible skins are also good sources of low-carbohydrate fiber.”
Source: Jordan Rubin: The Maker’s Diet, Page 141

Natural Diet Guidelines
· Consume daily Lacto-Fermented condiments and beverages http://www.westonaprice.org/foodfeatures/lacto.html
· Soaked or Sprouted Whole Grains
· Fresh vegetables and fruits especially dark leafy green vegetables taken either cooked or raw, depending on your digestive strength.
· 1-3 teaspoons of Cod Liver Oil daily (20,000 IU’s worth for Pregnant Women) http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/codliveroil.html
· 2 8-ounce glasses whole milk daily, preferably raw and from pasture-fed cows (learn more about raw milk, http://www.realmilk.com/)
· 4 tablespoons butter daily, from pasture-fed cows
· 2 or more eggs daily, from chickens raised on pastures
· 3-4 ounces fresh liver, once or twice per week (If you have been told to avoid liver for fear of getting "too much Vitamin A," be sure to read more)
· Fresh seafood, 2-4 times per week, particularly wild salmon, shellfish and fish eggs
· Fresh beef or lamb, Raised on a Pasture, always consumed with the fat
· Oily fish or lard Daily, for vitamin D
· 2 tablespoons Extra Virgin coconut oil daily, used in cooking or smoothies
· Naturally Dried Seaweed (use carefully as some types contain extremely high amounts of trace minerals that the body cannot easily handle)
· Bone Broths used in soups, stews and sauces http://www.westonaprice.org/foodfeatures/broth.html
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/children/dietformothers.html site. (Guidelines Slightly Modified by Author)
Additional Guidance: For sources of Pasture Raised animal products http://www.eatwild.com/

Foods to Avoid
What not to eat, is at least as important was what you do eat. Many items at your local health food store are not healthy. Many modern foods actually rob the body of the vital nutrients, instead of fulfilling the bodies nutrient needs. Even many organically labeled foods are unhealthy because these foods do not contain highly absorbable nutrients. I advocate purchasing organic products whenever you can, but do not assume that just because it says organic, that you are fulfilling your nutrient needs. Many organic foods, which have been processed, do not have some of Nature’s delicate nutrients intact. Particular food hazards to avoid are pasteurized milk including organic, especially milk that is not from grass-fed cows. Avoid all processed grain products even organic ones, like cereal, cookies, crackers, ect. Meanwhile, grass fed raw milk, and grains that have been freshly ground at home which are soaked or fermented in an acidic medium are extremely life giving and contain vital nutrients.

Avoid Non-Organic Food
”Pesticides and other toxins will be present in the mother’s milk if they are present in the diet, so all care should be taken to consume organic foods of both plant and animal origin during pregnancy and lactation. Organic foods also provide more omega-3 fatty acids needed for baby’s optimal development.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, page 599
Don't eat commercially processed foods such as cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, soft drinks, packaged sauce mixes, etc. Avoid white flour, white flour products and white rice.
“[I]n the production of refined white flour approximately eighty percent or four-fifths of the phosphorous and calcium content are usually removed, together with the vitamins and minerals provided in the embryo or germ. The evidence indicates that a very important factor in the lowering of the reproductive efficiency of womanhood is directly related to the removal of vitamin E in the processing of wheat.”
Source: Price, Weston. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Page 493
Avoid all refined sweeteners such as sugar, dextrose, glucose and high fructose corn syrup.
“Last but not least, sugar consumption is the cause of bone loss and dental decay. Tooth decay and bone loss occur when the precise ration of calcium to phosphorus in the blood varies from the normal ratio… Dr. Melvin Page, a Florida dentist, demonstrated in numerous studies that sugar consumption causes phosphorus levels to drop and calcium to rise. Calcium rises because it is pulled from the teeth and the bones.. Thus sugar consumption causes tooth decay not because it promotes bacterial growth in the mouth, as most dentists believe, but because it alters the internal body chemistry.”
“A survey of medical journals in the 1970’s produced findings implicating sugar as a causative factor in kidney disease, liver disease, shortened life span, increased desire for coffee and tobacco, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, Pages 23,24
Avoid all hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils. Avoid all vegetable oils made from soy, corn, safflower, canola or cottonseed. Do not use polyunsaturated oils for cooking, sautéing or baking. Avoid fried foods.
“High temperature processing causes the weak carbon bonds of unsaturated fatty acids, especially triple unsaturated linolenic acid, to break apart, thereby creating dangerous free radicals.”

“Most of these man-made trans fats are toxins to the body, but unfortunately your digestive system does not recognize them as such. Instead of eliminating them, your body incorporates trans fats into the cell membranes as though they were cis fats – your cells actually become partially hydrogenated! Once in place, trans fatty acids wreak havoc with cell metabolism…”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, Page 14-15

Avoid pasteurized milk; do not consume lowfat milk, skim milk, powdered milk or imitation milk products.

“[T]he milk sold in your supermarket is bad for everybody, partly because the modern cow is a freak of nature. A century ago cows produced two or three gallons per day; today’s Holsteins routinely give three or four times as much. This is accomplished by selective breeding to produce cows with abnormally active pituitary glands and by high-protein feeding. The pituitary gland not only produces hormones that stimulate the production of milk, it also produces growth hormones. Recently the FDA approved a genetically engineered growth hormone for cows.”

“Another factor contributing to the degradation of today’s milk is pasteurization. We have been taught that pasteurization is beneficial, a method of protecting ourselves against infectious disease, but closer examination reveals that its merits have been highly exaggerated. The modern milk machine and stainless stell tank, along with efficient packaging and distribution, make pasteurization totally unnecessary for the purposes of sanitation.”

“Vitamin C loss in pasteurization usually exceeds 50 percent; loss of other water-soluble vitamins can run as high as 80 percent; the Wulzen or anti-stiffness factor is totally destroyed as is vitamin B 12, need for healthy blood and a properly functioning nervous system. Pasteurization reduces the availability of milk’s mineral components such as calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulphur, as well as many trace minerals.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, Pages 34-35
Avoid battery-produced eggs and factory-farmed meats. Avoid highly processed luncheon meats and sausage containing MSG and other additives.
“Our endorsement of animal products must be tempered with this important caveat: The meat, milk and eggs in our supermarkets are highly contaminated and vastly inferior in nutritional quality to those available to our ancestors just a few decades ago.. According to the renowned cancer specialist Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, most chicken and nearly half the beef consumed in America today is cancerous and pathogenic. Her research has convinced her that these cancers are transmissible to man.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, Page 31
Avoid rancid and improperly prepared seeds, nuts and grains found in granolas, quick rise breads and extruded breakfast cereals, as they block mineral absorption and cause intestinal distress.
“Dry breakfast cereals are produced by a process called extrusion. Cereal makers first create a slurry of the grains and then put them in a machine called an extruder. The grains are forced out of a little hole at high temperature and pressure. Depending on the shape of the hole, the grains are made into little o's, flakes, animal shapes, or shreds (as in Shredded Wheat or Triscuits), or they are puffed (as in puffed rice). A blade slices off each little flake or shape, which is then carried past a nozzle and sprayed with a coating of oil and sugar to seal off the cereal from the ravages of milk and to give it crunch.
In his book Fighting the Food Giants, Paul Stitt has tells us that the extrusion process used for these cereals destroys most of the nutrients in the grains. It destroys the fatty acids; it even destroys the chemical vitamins that are added at the end. The amino acids are rendered very toxic by this process.”
“Let me tell you about two studies which were not published. The first was described by Paul Stitt who wrote about an experiment conducted by a cereal company in which four sets of rats were given special diets. One group received plain whole wheat, water and synthetic vitamins and minerals. A second group received puffed wheat (an extruded cereal), water and the same nutrient solution. A third set was given only water. A fourth set was given nothing but water and chemical nutrients. The rats that received the whole wheat lived over a year on this diet. The rats that got nothing but water and vitamins lived about two months. The animals on water alone lived about a month. But the company's own laboratory study showed that the rats given the vitamins, water and all the puffed wheat they wanted died within two weeks---they died before the rats that got no food at all. It wasn't a matter of the rats dying of malnutrition. Autopsy revealed dysfunction of the pancreas, liver and kidneys and degeneration of the nerves of the spine, all signs of insulin shock.”
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/modernfood/dirty-secrets.html
Phosphorus in the bran of whole grains is tied up in a substance called phytic acid. Phytic acid combines with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc in the intestinal tract, blocking their absorption.
Soy Milk, Soy Meat, Soy Protein, Soy Formula and Tofu including Organic kinds
”High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.”

“Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.”
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/index.html

“Soy Protein Isolate (SPI) is the major ingredient in soy-based infant formula”
“TOXINS ADDED OR FORMED DURING PRODUCTION OF SOY PROTEIN ISOLATE Nitrites – carcinogens, Lysinoalanine - a toxin, Aluminum - 10 times higher in soy-based formula than milk-based formula, Fluoride Compounds - very high in soy formula, Free Glutamic Acid or MSG - a neurotoxin
Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/soy_fda_testimony.html -Power Point Presentation on this page.
Avoid caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. Avoid chocolate.
Many of these substances put an undue strain on the liver. Phosphoric acid is what gives soda’s their kick. “Phosphoric acid blocks the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the intestines… thus contributes to impairment of the immune system… Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands to release an adrenaline-like substance, which in turn causes the liver to release sugar into the blood.” Wine and unpasteurized beer seem to be okay if used in moderation. In excess it can overtaxing to the liver. Regular beer should be strictly avoided.
Avoid canned, sprayed, waxed, bioengineered or irradiated fruits and vegetables.
Do not practice strict vegetarianism (veganism); animal products provide vital nutrients not found in plant foods. [Unless you are doing a specific short term cleanse]
Avoid products containing protein powders.
Avoid artificial food additives, especially MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and aspartame, which are neurotoxins. Most soups, sauce and broth mixes and commercial condiments contain MSG, even if not so labeled.

Avoid aluminum-containing foods such as commercial salt, commercial baking powder and commercial antacids. Do not use aluminum cookware or aluminum-containing deodorants.

Do not drink fluoridated water.
”In 1971, Dr. Dean Burke, Ph.D., began a study of the effects of fluoridation in drinking water in the United States. Dr. Burke was for 35 years, head of the cytochemistry section, and was co-founder of the National Cancer Institute, U.S.A. He has received many awards for cancer research and biochemistry, including the Domagh Prize, 1965, for cancer research. He has been involved in cancer research for 50 years.
Results of his studies show that a large increase in human cancer mortality in the U.S. is associated with public water fluoridation. "One-tenth of the 350,000 cancer deaths per year in the U.S. are linked with artificial public water fluoridation."”
Source: http://www.consumerhealth.org/articles/display.cfm?ID=19990817225011

Avoid synthetic vitamins and foods containing them.

Do not drink distilled liquors.

Do not use a microwave oven.
Do not use Cigarettes and Drugs even Prescription drugs if possible.
Source of guidelines: http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/dietdangers.html
And “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon

Cleansing and Purification Before Pregnancy
“A cleansing fast, undertaken six months or more before conceptions, is a good idea, but during the six months before conceptions and nine months of pregnancy it is vital to consume nutrient-dense foods.”
Source: Nourishing Traditions, Page 598

“The body can be overwhelmed by toxic accumulations as a consequence of fatigue, poor circulation, or improper diet. When we undertake to detoxify the body, we must take care of those things in particular to avoid simply spinning our wheels. I want to emphasize that an under active body burdened with toxic wastes does not have the capability to throw off toxins.”
Source: Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, Page 18-19

“I believe that the number-one source of the misery and decay we are witnessing in our society today is autointoxication – self-poisoning caused by microorganisms, metabolic waste, and other toxins in the body.”
Source: Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, Page 10

Cleansing, offers some of the most divine and pleasurable feelings that I have experienced. After toxic accumulations were out of my body, a sense of harmony with life and nature came over me. If you are taking prescription medications, or have a diseased condition, please cleanse under guidance of a licensed health care provider. Many toxins will be moved into the bloodstream for elimination.

For cleansing the bowel use a fast that combines the use of herbs, apple juice, psyllium husks, flax seeds, and vinegar. The cleanse I used is available in Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, and similar cleanses are offered by Arise and Shine, and Blessed Herbs. Please consult your inner wisdom, and a professional who has experience doing cleanses such as a naturopathic doctor, or a nutritionist.

Special Note:
Cleansing while pregnant or breastfeeding is not advised. The toxic wastes thrown into the bloodstream of the mother can affect the child through the bloodstream, or through breast milk. Also fasting does not seem wise during pregnancy because of the bodies heightened need for nutrients. You can however eat a diet that will encourage your body to naturally and slowly cleanse itself. The key aspects of this diet is to eat only whole and natural foods as described below and in Nourishing Traditions, to avoid all the foods on the avoid list, religiously, and to eat a vegetable soup invented by Dr. Henry Beiler. The soup helps strengthen your organs of cleansing, chiefly the liver. The soup is made with zucchini, string beans, celery, we personally add, kale, and occasionally some potatoes to it. Consume this soup daily or more often. You can also drink and eat fermented and lacto-fermented products to strengthen and cleanse the blood. Fermented drinks include, kombucha, rejuvelac, kefir and beet kvass. Fermented foods include, fermented radish, cabbage (saurerkraut) and sweet potatoes. Information on sources for these foods and how to make those foods and drinks at home are available in “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon.

Morning Sickness
“In the early months of pregnancy, as the estrogen level rises and the thyroid gland becomes hyperactive, the symptoms of ‘morning sickness’ usually occur, especially if the woman’s body is toxic.” “For the woman who suffer morning sickness, the noon meal consists of one kind of starch (brown rice, boiled potato), butter, one or two cooked vegetables (soft fresh squash and string beans), and plain lettuce, celery or cucumber. There should be no fluids, except water if desired.”
Source: Henry Bieler, Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health, 1972 Beiler pg 16-17

“[M]iscarriages, are so frequently brought about by assaulting the system with toxic foods… When a woman becomes toxic, one of the avenues of vicarious elimination is through the womb. Acrid irritating material is flushed out in the menstrual blood, causing very disagreeable periods. The inflamed womb is left in the boggy condition, which makes implanting of the fertilized egg difficult, with the contents of the pregnant uterus often disgorged in one of the menstrual cycles. ”
Source: Henry Bieler, Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health, 1972 Beiler pg 25-26

The Effectiveness of Midwives
Trust your instincts about who the right midwife or doctor is for you. An inner knowing exists in you as to what is really in your best health.
“Midwifery care, social and medical risk factors, and birth outcomes in the USA.
MacDorman MF, Singh GK. J Epidemiol Community Health 1998 May;52(5):310-7. The results of this study, conducted on all women who in 1991 delivered by the vaginal route a single baby at 35-43 weeks gestation, show that the risk of infant and neonatal death is 19% and 33% lower, respectively, in midwife-attended births compared to physician attended births. The likelihood of delivering a low birth-weight infant is 31% lower in midwives versus physician' assisted deliveries. These results suggest that delivery care provided by midwives may be superior to that provided by physicians.”
“Supportive nurse-midwife care is associated with a reduced incidence of Cesarean section. Butler J, Abrams B, Parker J, Roberts JM, Laros RK Jr.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993 May;168(5):1407-13. The results of this study show that women attended by midwives are 30% less likely to undergo Cesarean section compared to those attended by physicians. Furthermore, a diagnosis of fetal distress is made 50% less often in babies delivered by midwives, compared to those delivered by physicians.”
Source: http://garynull.com/node/12173
Reducing Stress and Practicing Self Care
Suggestions from Michelle:
Take a Prenatal yoga class and practice deep breathing or some kind of breathing meditation. Spend a lot of time in nature. Our true nature is to be peaceful. Is that peace located in the Mall, on television, in the newspaper, or will you find it next to a tree, or being in the mountains? If you are not sure about the answer, it is in nature.

Give yourself regular foot massages. When your belly is getting too big and you cannot bend over, have you husband or friend give you a foot massage. At least once a day, every day for about ten minutes.

Daily rub oil on your breasts and belly. Organic Olive oil or you can find belly oil for pregnancy from a natural food store. This is relaxing and soothing, and our bodies absorb nutrients through the skin so we are getting healthy that way.

Create a favorite spot in your house where you feel comfortable and where you can breathe and relax and not think about anything.

Be around positive people with a good attitude and nurturing spirit.

Cesarean Delivery
Sometimes a Cesarean delivery saves the lives of the Mother and Child. Consider getting written documentation from you doctor of his or her rate of cesareans to see if it coincides on average with what is deemed a healthy rate, (between 4-15%). Further studies and references are available Gary Nulls web site which is listed below.
“Source: Cesarean section: medical benefits and costs. Shearer EL. Soc Sci Med 1993 Nov;37(10):1223-31.This article emphasizes that half of the Cesarean sections performed in the U.S. are unnecessary. This surplus needlessly endangers women and their babies and adds over $1 billion to the annual health care costs. Cesarean section deliveries are associated with a 2- to 4-fold increased rate of maternal mortality and with a 5- to 10-fold increased rate of maternal morbidity, compared to vaginal deliveries. Newborns delivered via Cesarean section are at increased risk of respiratory disease and of being delivered before proper time. The author highlights how decisions concerning the need for Cesarean delivery seem to be influenced more by social, economic, and physicians' personal reasons, than by medical factors. This is well illustrated by the fact that those women who are at highest risk of pregnancy complications and who would benefit the most from a Cesarean section are the least likely to receive it. On the other hand, indications such as previous Cesarean, slow or difficult labor or delivery, presentation of the rear of the baby at the uterine cervix and fetal distress, are the main reason for performing a C-section, even though these conditions have been least clearly associated with benefits for the fetus and the mother.
Source: http://garynull.com/node/12173
The Child
The Newborn, a human, is a very small and extremely sensitive person, still very connected to his Mother. Dr. Frederick Leboyer pointed out the trauma that regularly happens as humans enter the world. The tiny creature, new to life, is born to loud sounds, blinding lights, placed on cold metal objects, and even poked and prodded.
This happens because people wrongly believe that babies are just a part of a medical procedure. A sensitive and unobtrusive style of care which is deeply respectful of the natural process, and a peaceful atmosphere at the time of birth, with low lights, and quiet, would help the baby to be born with a minimum of trauma. After the birth, the baby is brought unto the mother’s belly, and very shortly thereafter allowed to suckle. The cord to the placenta is not cut until all the blood, which the infant needs for its life, has been pumped into the child. This differs from the cruel practice of cutting the cord immediately and depriving the child of his or her safety net, the supply of vital blood and oxygen immediately after birth. In many cases the child will breath naturally. It is extremely cruel to rub the child to induce him or her to cry unless there is an emergency. Nature designed children to be born unassisted, meaning a mother can do it by herself, and for the baby to breathe on their own without being painfully rubbed to induce crying. It is wise to visualize how you want your baby to be treated at birth, and to make sure that your care providers are agreeable and aligned with the type of treatment you want. If a C-section is somehow needed, then in the same manner steps can be taken to ensure the child is cared for to your desires and wishes after the birth.

Diet for the Mother After Birth

“During the last three weeks of pregnancy starch foods should be omtitted. Raw and cooked vegetables, one or two glasses of raw milk, and fruit or [diluted] fruit juice will prove most beneficial. Avoid strawberries, apricots, Thompson seedless grapes, cranberries, and cantaloupe.”

“As soon as labor pains commence, take no food at all.” Honey diluted in water is okay if patient is very weak.

“The three-day fast after delivery is most important. During this time animals eat nothing, with the possible exception of the afterbirth…”

During the 3 day fast Dr. Beiler suggests” Unsweetened pineapple, apple, or grape juice may be diluted with equal parts of water; papaya nectar is especially helpful. If the patient likes the flavor she is encouraged to drink about two quarts a day for the first two days.”

Source: Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health, Henry Bieler, 1972 Page 18-19

Make sure to take adequate time to rest after the birth. It can take between a few days to up to a year for a mother to recover physically from the birth. It depends on the individual and the circumstances.

Child Raising Birth to 1 Year

Raising your child In Arms- The continuum Concept


Bond with your child. When a baby needs something, that is what they need, and they need it right away. Wear your baby. Baby Wearing is a traditional method that allows the child to be with the mother while she goes about her daily routines. Children are born with innate expectations programmed into their DNA. These expectations bring fulfillment and joy to the parents and the child.

Young immature humans need physical warmth and contact. After a child is born, he is entirely helpless in the world. After birth, a child is in the fourth trimester of development. He or she needs to be held in an energetic and physical womb in the outer world so that he feels bonded and secure about life. Not giving this, to a young child, even for just a few short moments, causes an infant great pain. Through the gaze of his mother the infant sees himself. His mother is his world. When the mother leaves, the world of the infant is gone, and he is left floating in a vast space. Almost universally, Indigenous cultures raise children so that their mother is always near by, and therefore the infants world and sense of safety never becomes broken or threatened. In this case, infants have what they need in life, warmth, contact, nurturance and safety. They can trust life. This love becomes encoded in the way they see the world, and as adults, they will see a world full of love, warmth, and nurturance. This contrasts sharply with our Western child raising practices, in which children are abandoned by not being fed often or fully by their mothers, and instead are being fed synthetic foods and rather than being held they lay senselessly in cribs, or strollers. As adults people raised in this manner, see the world in the same way, full of people who cannot be trusted, and lacking in warmth and nurturance. These people have an excuse to use people as a means to an end and to ignore their humanity. Just as these people as infants, were not held and loved as a human needs to be. Collectively as a culture we posses this same sense of lack and disconnection, so we destroy what nurtures us and gives us life, we destroy the earth. We create War and inflict violence in the world. Most of this in the modern time is done for someone to have more money or power. Most of this rage and violence against other humans and our planet, may have come from a childhood in which the infant, rather than having his needs met, was treated in an inhumane way.

In the introduction of this paper, we discussed that the Western way of parenting does not create fulfillment. When the continuum concept is followed out of a positive intention, then the Mother is truly fulfilled with her experience of motherhood. In giving of herself freely to her child, she finds one of the most satisfying and divine fulfillments that life can offer. Also, in following the continuum method, the Mother never needs to worry about how her child is doing, or if her child is safe and cared for, because she is there with them and knows intimately their needs.

nderstanding the Continuum Concept

Jean Liedloff, an American writer, spent two and a half years deep in the South American jungle with Stone Age Indians. The experience demolished her Western preconceptions of how we should live and led her to a radically different view of what human nature really is. She offers a new understanding of how we have lost much of our natural well-being and shows us practical ways to regain it for our children and for ourselves.”

“According to Jean Liedloff, the continuum concept is the idea that in order to achieve optimal physical, mental and emotional development, human beings — especially babies — require the kind of experience to which our species adapted during the long process of our evolution. For an infant, these include such experiences as...

  • constant physical contact with his mother (or another familiar caregiver as needed) from birth; [Ideally contact is skin to skin contact]
  • sleeping in his parents' bed, in constant physical contact, until he leaves of his own volition (often about two years);
  • breastfeeding "on cue" — nursing in response to his own body's signals; [When Nursing is nuturing and on cue, it generally lasts 2.5-4 years]
  • being constantly carried in arms or otherwise in contact with someone, usually his mother, and allowed to observe (or nurse, or sleep) while the person carrying him goes about his or her business — until the infant begins creeping, then crawling on his own impulse, usually at six to eight months;
  • having caregivers immediately respond to his signals (squirming, crying, etc.), without judgment, displeasure, or invalidation of his needs, yet showing no undue concern nor making him the constant center of attention;
  • sensing (and fulfilling) his elders' expectations that he is innately social and cooperative and has strong self-preservation instincts, and that he is welcome and worthy.”

Source: http://www.continuum-concept.org/cc_defined.html

The Tragic Child Raising Practices of the West

“In contrast, a baby subjected to modern Western childbirth and child-care practices often experiences...

  • traumatic separation from his mother at birth due to medical intervention and placement in maternity wards, in physical isolation except for the sound of other crying newborns, with the majority of male babies further traumatized by medically unnecessary circumcision surgery;
  • at home, sleeping alone and isolated, often after "crying himself to sleep";
  • scheduled feeding, with his natural nursing impulses often ignored or "pacified";
  • being excluded and separated from normal adult activities, relegated for hours on end to a nursery, crib or playpen where he is inadequately stimulated by toys and other inanimate objects;
  • caregivers often ignoring, discouraging, belittling or even punishing him when he cries or otherwise signals his needs; or else responding with excessive concern and anxiety, making him the center of attention;
  • sensing (and conforming to) his caregivers' expectations that he is incapable of self-preservation, is innately antisocial, and cannot learn correct behavior without strict controls, threats and a variety of manipulative "parenting techniques" that undermine his exquisitely evolved learning process.

Evolution has not prepared the human infant for this kind of experience. He cannot comprehend why his desperate cries for the fulfillment of his innate expectations go unanswered, and he develops a sense of wrongness and shame about himself and his desires. If, however, his continuum expectations are fulfilled — precisely at first, with more variation possible as he matures — he will exhibit a natural state of self-assuredness, well-being and joy. Infants whose continuum needs are fulfilled during the early, in-arms phase grow up to have greater self-esteem and become more independent than those whose cries go unanswered for fear of ‘spoiling’ them or making them too dependent.”
Source: http://www.continuum-concept.org/cc_defined.html


Breastfeeding is an opportunity to bond with your child and feel pleasurable contact with them. Many infants, if their natural needs are responded to, want to eat as often as every fifteen minutes. Allow the feeding to continue for as long as the child wants, some good feeding’s go on for over an hour, and the child receive the hind-milk breastmilk which is fatty and nourishing to the baby. Breastfeed for as long as child wants to breastfeed which is approximately 2 to 4.5 years in age.

“It must be emphasized, however, that the quality of the mother’s milk depends greatly on her diet. Sufficient animal products will ensure proper amounts of vitamin B-12, A and D as well as all-important minerals like zinc in her milk. Lactating women should continue with a diet that emphasizes liver, eggs and cod liver oil.”

Source: Nourishing Traditions, page 599

Home Self-healing/ Rejuvenating Practices

Drink plenty of water, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

Michelle: My intuition is to surrender to focusing on my daughter and filling her up with my energy. And focusing on my breath, and feeling the love, and letting it flow into her. Then I felt really peaceful, and really happy and good. I had a sense of this is what is right.

Pre-mature Babies

Mother’s are incubators. For nine months they incubate the baby and keep them warm. Why in the western world do we choose a machine to incubate a young baby, rather than its mother? Infants, innately born to experience the warmth of their mother, and physical contact, suffer deeply being isolated and abandoned while place inside a machine.

“Skin-to-Skin Contact from birth is not just safe, it is superior and safer than incubator care.”

Source: http://www.kangaroomothercare.com/laysum.htm

“Definition: A universally available and biologically sound method of care for all newborns, but in particular for premature babies, with three components ...

1 Skin-to-skin Contact
2 Exclusive breastfeeding
3 Support to the mother infant dyad.

Skin-to-skin contact is between the baby front and the mother's chest. The more skin-to-skin, the better.
  For comfort a small nappy is fine, and for warmth a cap may be used. Skin-to-skin contact should ideally start at birth, but is helpful at any time. It should ideally be continuous day and night, but even shorter periods are still helpful.

Exclusive breastfeeding means that for an average mother, expressing from the breasts or direct suckling by the baby is all that is needed. For very premature babies, supply of some essential nutrients may be indicated.

Support to the dyad means that whatever is needed for the medical, emotional, psychological and physical well being of mother and baby is provided to them, without separating them. This might mean adding ultramodern equipment if available, or purely intense psychological support in contexts with no resources.”

Source: http://www.kangaroomothercare.com/whatis01.htm

Time of Rest and Bonding

“Most traditional cultures, however, acknowledge a special time in the first weeks or months for mothers and babies to get to know each other and rest together. The mother is well cared for an may be treated with healing rituals such as massage or heat application… The rural Indian mother, for example, may spend forty days in seclusion with no other task or distractions than to establish a secure nursing relationship and become attuned with her baby. By the end of this time, she is quite confident in her understanding of her infant’s elimination needs. That’s forty days of focused time, in which she is nurtured, taught, and supported by the experienced mothers around her.”

Source: Diaper Free, Ingrid Bauer, Page 211

The time of rest an bonding is also a chance for the Mother’s body to heal and recover from the birth. The time of healing needed is different for each woman. It can range from a day, to over one year even with a normal birth.

Natural Infant Hygiene

This essential means, having your child not wear diapers.

“Natural Infant Hygiene is common in [India], Asia, Africa, and parts of South America, and was traditionally practiced among the Inuit and some Native North American peoples. For these mothers, knowing when their baby “needs to go,” and holding them over an appropriate place, is (or was) second nature….When the mother knows or feels that her baby needs to go, she can remove the diaper or clothing and hold the baby in a secure, close position over an appropriate receptacle.”

Source: http://www.gentleparents.com/bauer.html

“In this way, parents lovingly meet their baby's vital needs, enhance bonding, deepen their communication, avoid rashes and diaper changing struggles, bypass conventional toilet training, save money and the environment, and significantly reduce diaper use.”

“Rather than teaching a baby to eliminate into his or her intimate clothing and cleaning up after the fact, parents learn to listen and respond in the present moment to the baby's needs and communication.”

Source: http://www.natural-wisdom.com/

In our practice of natural hygiene, we had pee going everywhere. We have a cotton futon we sleep on that has been peed on at least 100 times. Luckily young children’s pee does not smell, and we just cleaned it up. Also if you use this practice, at first you may need more pairs of clothes because some clothes will get peed on.

From Michelle: “Practicing Natural infant Hygeine has deepened my Bond with my child. It has been very challenging and at the same time. Now after over-coming challenges, it is worth it.”

Wear your Baby, Using Slings and Not Strollers

Michelle: “One of the most enjoyable aspects of mothering has been holding my baby close to me in a sling, everywhere I go.”

Sometimes a mother needs a stroller, especially if she has an injured back. However, when a baby is in a stroller, he/she is not experiencing physical contact with his mother. The world goes by, and he does not get a sense of this world, while safely nuzzled with his mother. I have seen many children, who essentially are being delayed in their development, because rather than being allowed to practice walking, they are strapped into a stroller and wheeled around as if they where incapable. On the beach, I am amused when parents try to drag their strollers across the sand, when they could easily be carrying their child in a sling. Many times babies are crying in strollers, and it is because they want the parent to hold them. Why in our culture, do we put children in strollers? Unless the mother has a physical ailment, I would say laziness and ignorance. Also, a stroller does not promote breast feeding. Many times a baby in his/her mother’s arms or sling, can breastfeed to have is needs fulfilled. A baby in a stroller cannot breastfeed and it makes breastfeeding inconvenient. Children, and life can flow together well, a mother can be in the world, do what she enjoys, and at the same time give her baby what he/she needs. The best way to do this is with a sling, not a stroller.

Baby Wearing Resources:

“I would like to introduce you to a style of parenting which will bring out the best in your baby and yourself. During my thirty years as a pediatrician, parents in our practice would often say, ‘As long as I carry my baby she's content.’"

Source: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/5/T051100.asp

“If someone told you they knew a secret to help your baby sleep better, cry less and learn better, would you be interested? Author Maria Blois, M.D., does this and more in her new book, Babywearing.”

Source: http://www.babywearing.com/ - This website also contains video’s of how to wrap your baby in slings.


“Worldwide prevalence:   The U.S. is the only country in the world that routinely circumcises most of its male infants for non-religious reasons. Over 80% of the world's males are intact.
Pain: According to a comprehensive study, newborn responses to pain are "similar to but greater than those observed in adult subjects." Some infants do not cry because they go into traumatic shock from the overwhelming pain of the surgery. No experimental anesthetic has been found to be safe and effective in preventing circumcision pain in infants. 

Behavioral response: Various studies have found that short-term effects of circumcision include changed sleep patterns, activity level, and mother-infant interaction, more irritability, and disruptions in feeding and bonding.  Changes in pain response have been demonstrated at six months of age.  

Circumcision risks: The rate of complications occurring in the hospital and during the first year has been documented as high as 38% and includes hemorrhage, infection, surgical injury, and in rare cases, death.”

Source: http://www.circumcision.org/information.htm

“Jewish circumcision has never had anything to do with health concerns.

Circumcision conflicts with significant Jewish laws and values.”

Source: http://www.jewishcircumcision.org/book.htm

Cutting a young babies skin with a knife while not anesthetized is a form of cruelty.


I want you to consider doing your own research on vaccinations as it is such a controversial topic. It is a controversial topic because there is so much fear in the air about it. Unfortunately this mass fear has mostly eliminated an open democratic space for scientific inquiry and discussion. Mass Vaccinating is a relatively new practice, and began in the 1950’s increasing through the 1970’s. A normal vaccine schedule now has a young child receiving up to 22 vaccinations by 2 years of age.

One would hope that careful scientific study has been done to ensure not only the effectiveness of vaccinations, but also for the safety of vaccinations. Vaccines contain a variety of ingredients, beyond just the modified version of the disease, such ingredients include: alchohols, neomycin, 2-PE, streptomycin, polymyxin, mercury, formaldehyde, bovine cells, fetal cells, gelatin, monkey kidney cells, Msg, and phenol. Vaccines can also contain a variety of contaminants some which we do not have scientific testing to measure.

Before injecting these ingredients directly into your child’s bloodstream, try asking your doctor for the studies that have been done that prove that the additives to vaccinations are 100% safe. You will find, either no such studies, or extremely limited studies have been done. Ask your doctor for evidence of long term safety of vaccinations, you will find no such evidence exists.

"Safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short time periods only: several days to several weeks. There are NO (NONE) long term (months or years) safety studies on any vaccination or immunization. For this reason, there are valid grounds for suspecting that many delayed-type vaccine reactions may be taking place unrecognized at to their true nature." Dr. Harold Buttram, MD.

Source: http://www.whale.to/vaccines/studies.html

Ask your doctor for evidence that vaccinations are effective. The only evidence that exists, are comparative studies. If you examine the comparative studies carefully, you will find that diseases have been eliminated in many cases before the vaccinations began. Or that the disease seemed to have been eliminated, but that is because doctors began re-labeling the disease symptoms under a different disease name, not because the disease itself was irradiated. There has never been a study conducted that proves vaccines are effective that compares vaccinated children, with unvaccinated children. If that sounds to unbelievable to you, ask your doctor for a copy of that study for each vaccine proving unequivocally their safety and effectiveness. Also ask your doctor for the statistics of the side effects and risks of the vaccine.

Resources for Research:

One UK’s Father’s independent vaccine research.

Source: http://www.whale.to/vaccines.html

Free 4 hour online audio program explaining Vaccinations after researching thousands of articles, from Health expert and Advocate Gary Null

Source: http://garynull.com/media/onlinebooks.html

In order to reduce the liability of manufacturers and health care providers, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). In other words, our Federal Government has established a program to use tax payer money to prevent people from suing manufacturers and health care providers when their children die as a result of, or are permanently disabled from vaccines. Learn more: Source: http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/dvicprog.htm

The HRSA government website says over $700,000,000 paid for vaccine injuries, other web sites report $1.25 billion paid as of 2001.

Source: http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/statistics_report.htm

Vaccination Information:

“For more than a hundred years, two basic assumptions have been put forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe. The second is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which they’re given.” “Significant adverse effects have been reported with every type of vaccine.” “In the meantime, as an example of the volume of adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there were 38,787 such events between 1991 and 1994. Of these, 45 percent occurred on the day of vaccination, 20 percent on the following day, and 93 percent within two weeks of vaccination. Deaths were most prevalent in children 1 to 3 months old and were defined as sudden infant deaths. Since, as has been amply documented, only one-tenth of vaccine-induced reactions are reported to the VAERS, this number vastly underestimates the real incidence of vaccine-associated complications.”

“Writing in Nexus, [Alan] Phillips makes the point that immunization practice assumes that all children, regardless of age and size, are virtually the same. ‘An 8-pound 2-month-old receives the same dosage as a 40-pound five-year-old,’ Phillips points out. “Infants with immature, undeveloped immune systems may receive five or more times the dosage (relative to body weight) as older children.’”

Source: http://garynull.com/Documents/Vaccines/VaccinationAnAnalysis.htm

This article and two more articles where published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients.

Below are some excerpts from Dr. Philip Incao, M.D. ’s testimony before the Ohio House of Representatives Health Committee “I am a physician in private general practice, having received my M.D. degree in 1966 from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.” “For 29 years I have privately and independently pursued a study of vaccinations and vaccine policy.”

“5. The best way to determine the risk-benefit profile of any vaccination is well known and in theory is quite simple: Take a group of vaccinated children and compare them with a matched group of unvaccinated children. If the groups are well-matched and large enough and the length of time the children are observed following vaccination long enough, then such a study is deemed the "gold standard" of vaccine research because its data is as accurate a reflection as medical research is capable of achieving of how vaccinations are actually affecting our nation’s children.

Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination.

This means that mass vaccination is essentially a large-scale experiment on our nation’s children.

6. A critical point which is never mentioned by those advocating mandatory vaccination of children is that children’s health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually by the National Center for Health Statistics since 1957, a shocking 31% of U.S. children today have a chronic health problem , 18% of children require special health care or related services and 6.7% of children have a significant disability due to a chronic physical or mental condition. Respiratory allergies, asthma and learning disabilities are the most common of these.

Three controlled studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children in England and New Zealand have shown that the vaccinated children have significantly more asthma, ear infections, hospitalizations and inflammatory bowel disease than their unvaccinated cohorts. “
Source: http://www.whale.to/m/incao.html

“Cowpox vaccine was believed able to immunize people against smallpox. At the time this vaccine was introduced, there was already a decline in the number of cases of smallpox. Japan introduced compulsory vaccination in 1872. In 1892 there were 165,774 cases of smallpox with 29,979 deaths despite the vaccination program. A stringent compulsory smallpox vaccine program, which prosecuted those refusing the vaccine, was instituted in England in 1867. Within 4 years 97.5 % of persons between 2 and 50 had been vaccinated. The following year England experienced the worst smallpox epidemic in its history with 44,840 deaths. Between 1871 and 1880 the incidence of smallpox escalated from 28 to 46 per 100,000. The smallpox vaccine does not work.”
Source: http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james.htm

“When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data -- and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic.
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.”

“ Since 1991, when the CDC and the FDA had recommended that three additional vaccines laced with [a mercury-based preservative– thimerosal] be given to extremely young infants -- in one case, within hours of birth -- the estimated number of cases of autism had increased fifteenfold, from one in every 2,500 children to one in 166 children.”
Source: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0616-31.htm
Or from:http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/06/16/thimerosal/

And I ask you this question. Why do we put our children at risk by injecting known toxic chemicals, manufactured in large factories directly in their bloodstream? Consider who benefits from this practice?

Car Seats

When nature created humans and babies, it did not have the automobile in mind. Children desire and are wired to be held by their mothers. Naturally then, many children, not all of them, have a low tolerance for car seats. We tried our best to encourage our child to be in her car seat, and as soon as she felt uncomfortable, we pulled over and stopped the car and took her out of the seat. Many times she did not want to be strapped down because she wanted to breastfeed in her mother’s arms. Buses, subways or anything that does not require seatbelts, so that the mother can hold the child, allow the mother-child bond to remain strong. A thought would often come into my mind, are we doing something wrong, and by not forcing our child to be in the seat, where we avoiding strong parental boundaries. But I always remembered, cars are not designed for babies, my daughter’s dislike for a car seat is not because there was a lesson for her to learn about life, it was because the system itself of car seats is unwise because it cannot meet the needs of many children.

Michelle has been able to breastfeed, with her seatbelt on, by leaning over our daughter’s car seat. Your child may react better than ours, but know the nature of your child. Do not make him/her do more than he can tolerate. Some children are calm and will be happy in a car seat. In other children, it will create unbearable suffering, it depends how wild or calm your baby is. Modern society makes little room for children. Hopefully in the future, there will be more mother-child friendly transportation. Perhaps someone will design a mother/child seatbelt system that is safe. Since that has yet to happen, we decided to not drive anywhere to often. Only twice a year do we travel more than 20 minutes away by car. We also live near the beach, so entertainment is playing on the beach. Gradually are daughter has built up a tolerance for the car seat, and we because we never forced her into it, and she really enjoys it when she is in it.

Being a Mother, Should I go to work or school while being a Mother?

The child’s innate expectation is to be with or near by his mother.

From Michelle:

Women probably get stressed out because they think they need to go back to work. When you are pregnant and thinking about leaving your child, then you are all ready beginning to abandon them. Part of being a mother is that you cannot get that gratifying feeling that is genetically encoded in your DNA, unless you are with your child being a mother. If my child was in a day care, I would not feel fulfilled as a mother. We have the longing to feel connected with our children as Mothers. We need to be with our children. There is no rush for them to grow up, there is plenty of time.

In Indigenous cultures, whether the mother has work requirements or not, she is always around her baby. Sometimes children or other adults are holding the baby, but when the baby is hungry, or scared, the mother is their to comfort him/her. There is no reason at all that if a mother feels like she needs to go to work or school, that a schedule can be set up so that she can go to work, not work excessive hours, and have her child with her at work or school. If a baby is raised like that, what do you think his/her favorite activity in life will be? Going to work. Because that is when he/she was fulfilled and happy with his mother, he will remember it and that will be his experience of life. As an adult he will likely experience fulfillment and contentment, even when working.

Child Raising 1 year to 6 years

Feeding Infants

“Commercial infant formulas are highly fabricated concoctions composed of milk or soy powders produced by high-temperature processes that over denature proteins and add many carcinogens. Milk-based formulas often cause allergies while soy-based formulas contain mineral-blocking phytic acid, growth inhibitors and plant forms of estrogen compounds that can have adverse effects on the hormonal development of the infant. Soy-based formulas are also devoid of cholesterol, needed for the development of the brain and nervous system.”

“Fortunately, it is possible to compose a formula that closely resembles mother’s milk. Whenever possible this formula should be based on raw organic milk, from cows certified free of tuberculosis and brucellosis. The milk should come from cows that eat food appropriate to cows, which is green grass in the warm months and hay and root vegetables in the winter, not soy or cottonseed meal…. But the milk should be unheated. Properly produced raw milk does not pose a danger to your baby, in spite of what numerous public health propagandists may assert. Raw milk contains enzymes and antibodies that make it less susceptible to bacterial contamination than pasteurized milk, while many toxins that cause diarrhea and other ailments survive the pasteurization process.. Raw milk is easier for your baby to digest than pasteurized and less likely to cause cramps, constipation and allergies.”

Source: Nourishing Traditions Page 599

You can find more about Raw Milk at http://www.realmilk.com/

“Infant nutrition is critical for ensuring proper development, maximizing learning capacities and preventing illness. At no other time in life is nutrition so important. But which foods are best?” Find out…

Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/foodfeatures/nourish-baby.html

Feeding Babies

“High-protein lowfat diets in children induce rapid growth along with depletion of vitamin A supplies. The results tall, myopic, lanky individuals with crowded teeth and poor bone structure. Growing children in particular actually benefit from a diet that contains at least twice as many calories as fat than as protein. Such a diet will result in steady, even growth, a sturdy physique, and high immunity from illness.”

Source: Nourishing Traditions Page 560

“A wise supplement for all babies – whether breast fed or bottle fed – is an egg yolk per day…” “Egg yolks from pasture fed hens or hens raised on flax meal, fish meal or insects are also rich in the omega-3 long chain fatty acids found in the mother’s milk but which may be lacking in cow’s milk. These fatty acids are essential for development of the brain.”

“An unfortunate practice in industrial societies is the feeding of cereal grains to infants. Babies produce only small amounts of amylase, needed for the digestion of grains, and are not fully equipped to handle cereals, especially wheat, before the age of one year. (Some experts prohibit all grains before the age of two.)”

Source: Nourishing Traditions, page 600

“Above all, do not deprive your baby of animal fats- he needs them for optimum physical growth and mental development. Mother’s milk contains over 50 percent of its calories as fat, much of it saturated fat, and children need these kinds of fats throughout their growing years.”

“It is unwise to give baby fruit juices, especially apple juice, which provide only simple carbohydrates and will often spoil an infant’s appetite for more nutritious foods.”

Source: Nourishing Traditions, page 601

More Nourishing Traditions Excerpts: Source: http://www.westonaprice.org/children/feeding.html


It is your choice as to what feels right in terms of the schooling of your child. When I think back to what I learned at school, I cannot even remember most of what I was taught, since it was absent minded knowledge. In college I learned that most of what I was taught in high school, the parts that I did remember, were not accurate. So consider for yourself, what is the point of school?

On the mental level we need to learn, to read, to write, and learn basic math.

On the social level children need interactions with other children their age. Other than that, we do not need school.

What really happens in school, is that children our socialized into the belief systems of our culture. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s we forced Native American children to attend school. Why would we do this? We want them to be like us, we wanted them to learn our culture. This was a terrible thing to do, but it posses as an example, that the point of school is socialization, which is different from education. At school, a child is also away from the influence of his/her parents. And our socialization many times destroys our independence, our authenticity, in place of what is politically acceptable to our society at the time. We confine wild children in elementary school, and force them to sit in uncomfortable chairs. The effect of this is that the child, in dealing with the trauma of school, moves his energy out of his body towards his mind. This weakens his ability to know and feel his/her deep intuitional forces. It weakens his/her bond with the mother earth. Occasionally, after this forced confinement, children are let out, sort of like pets, to play outside for a little bit.

The school of life is how Indigenous people learned. The child, almost never was forced to act away from his desires or his/her innate nature. He/she is allowed to learn at his/her own pace, whatever, and whenever he/she wants. So naturally he/she learns what his/her parents and community know, hunting, child raising, cooking, farming, and so on without being forced. Most of the time he/she plays and learns through his/her play. Modern schools today, represent a distortion of the individuals true needs. Children need to play, and the only school that I recommend, is one that is a space for children to play. In their natural creativity, they will learn to read, and write, and find themselves naturally interested in topics. They will prepare themselves for adult hood, with our support, but with little intervention on are part. We do not have to force children to behave or learn certain things. We also break up the natural stage of development by forcing children to read at a certain age. If they want to read, let them read, if they do not, they do not make them. Normal school, IE, K-12 education seems to be the opposite of trusting life, and the opposite of love and patience and acceptance of the life force. Make space for your child to socialize, allow opportunities to be available to him/her to learn, eventually he/she will likely just copy what the parents do, so you better make sure you are a good role model.

“[The parents of the magical child] know that their child is biologically geared for learning and will do so automatically and joyfully when the content offered meshes with his/her intent and its needs. They know that the child is drien from within to learn and that attempts at the exterior motivation can induce only anxiety-conditioned reactions, not learning. They know their child is genetically programmed to be led and guided. They know that the child’s play on the surface and conceptual work beneath are moving into closer synchrony, leading towards the point when s/he will be able to play freely with an infinite potential.”

Source: Joseph Pearce, Magical Child, Page 197

“Learning to take our cues from the child and make a corresponding response means learning to heed and respond to the primary process [(your innate intelligence)] within ourselves as well…Hospitals for delivery, bottles for feeding, cribs for sleeping, playpens and strollers for isolation, day-care centers for not caring, nursery schools for not nurturing, pre-schools – all create abandonment and weaken the bond…. To nurture the magical child is a full-time responsibility.”

Source: Joseph Pearce, Magical Child, Page 224

My suggestions for education is to not make a child go to school until they have completed their bonding with their mother or parents. This happens are the age of six or seven. If you are still a fan of the normal school system, try to only bring your child into school at this later age. They also can be brought to work with adults and they will see and copy how the parents work and make money. Do not force a child to read, (it is good to read to them) and children start to develop their logical mind supposedly around age 12. So avoid all abstractions until at least that age. I personally found my logical mind to become strong and attuned around age 18-20. We are essentially wasting our time and energy to try to teach children to read, or learn math, when their brains have not yet developed this capability.

The Father's Role from Pre-Pregnancy to Child Raising

The father’s role can be summarized as, be present for the mother and child and himself. So many father’s abandon their children and spouses. They either leave the mother or leave the child in the real world, or they emotionally leave the child by withdrawing through work, or television.

In a practical sense, the father can spend time holding the child, and playing with the child. The father can make sure the mother is supported and feels safe. The father can make sure the Mother has enough personal space, has her personal needs met, and so she can take care of their child. If the Mother does not have a strong support from other family members, than the father then fulfills the roles of these other members. Every time I had a difficulty, I thought to myself, that the little efforts I put forward now, when my daughter was young makes a big difference. So I make every effort to be present, patient, loving, and also share my strong opinions about how I would like our child to be cared for.

Childhood Diseases and a Theory of Illness

Disease is a result from human’s divergence from the life current. Or put in perspective of this booklet, disease is created from acting in a manner that is disconnected with our own instincts.

“Sometimes diseases happen to our children it is totally out of our control. In this case, we can only help reduce their pain. Otherwise, in knowing the true causes of disease, we can remove our fear of illness of our child. “One who had childhood disease could be without them, and have no fear of sickness if he had, in the beginning, a good strong body. Disease germs are scavengers and ca live only on weak ‘wasting-away’ cells, mucus, and toxic conditions. Never can germs exist in a healthy and clean cell structure.”

Source: Dr. John Christopher, Herbal Home Health Care, Page 1

When someone is sick, it is not necessarily true to say that a virus or some germ or bacteria has entered into their body and made them sick. Rather, through a collection of negative habits, the persons energy level becomes decreased and with that decreased energy toxins build up within their body. Toxins result from a polluted environment, polluted foods and drinks, and also from an accumulation of toxins that are apart of the living waste products of each cell in your body. A disease is then Nature’s emergency house cleaning attempt, when the normal methods have failed.

“So-called disease is nature’s effort at eliminating the toxin from the blood. All so-called diseases are crises of Toxemia.”

Source: J. H. TILDEN, Toxemia Explained, Page 13

Hippocrates: “disease was the result of some mismanagement of the environment.”

Rudolf Virchow: “the health of the body cells depended on their chemical make-up, and this chemical make-up in turn, depended on the kind of food eaten by the individual.”

Henry Bieler: “I came to the conclusion that germs do not initiate a diseased state of the body, but appear later after the person becomes ill.” “The true cure comes from within. Nature effects it; the physician is only a collaborator with nature, guiding his patient through the sometimes mystifying steps necessary to the handling of his specific problem.”

The Bodies Lines of Defense:

“In the normally functioning body, the wastes resulting from the digestive process are eliminated by organs specifically designed by nature. These organs of elimination are the liver, the kidneys and the skin.”

“The most important organ of elimination is the liver… As long as the sodium reserves in the liver are available, the liver can perform its function as a bloodstrainer. Completely strained blood resulting from a balanced clean food diet is nontoxic and normal. When the body circulates clean blood, it is impossible for disease, as we define it, to develop.”

Source: Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health, 1972 Beiler pg 61

“When a break in the process does occur, it is usually the result of an impairment to the liver cells caused by heavy or prolonged use of refined sugar and starch. As a consequence of this break in the chain, the normal eliminative process is most likely to be side-stepped and the toxic compounds may then circulate directly into the general blood flow.”

“For example, if the [adrenal glands] divert the vicarious elimination through the lungs, the result might be anything from mild bronchitis to lethal pneumonia. If the vicarious elimination takes place via the skin under control of the thyroid, a multitude of ‘skin diseases’ could occur.”

Source: Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health, 1972 Beiler pg 64

Children and Disease

Naturally treating, Measles, Tonsillitis, Polio, Rheumatism, Chicken Pox

ReSource: Henry Bieler, Food is Your Best Medicine, Chapter 9

Naturally Treating Many other Conditions, Too many to mention, Consult,

ReSource: Dr. John Christopher, Herbal Home Health Care

Cold’s – “Sir William Osler.. always followed a simple and effective prescription for the illness: bed rest, a good book to read, no food. The aphorism of Hippocrates - If you feed a cold, you will have to starve a fever’”

Source: Food is Your Best Medicine, Page 169

The idea being that the best way to heal from illness, is to strengthen your bodies defensive mechanisms. One of the best ways to do this is by not eating, since eating puts a strain on the bodies defensive organs, such as the liver. That is why many times sick people, do not feel hungry. This is especially true for cold’s and flu’s.

Food is Your Best Medicine, pg 39

Food is Your Best Medicine, pg 40

Food is your Best Medicine, pg 39

Food is your Best Medicine, pg 81

Natural Healthcare Practitioners
If you do see one of these practitioners, make sure they are experts at treating Pregnant and Nursing women. I created this list because many people do not have positive or fulfilling experiences with conventional doctors. Many alternatives are available and there are many conventional doctors who have added to their knowledge. Many of these practitioners that incorporate alternative healing knowledge can provide strong and needed support in a healing crises.

Naturopathic Doctor - Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that addresses the root causes of illness, and promotes health and healing using natural therapies. Naturopathic doctors are highly educated primary care providers who integrate standard medical diagnostics with a broad range of natural therapies.
Source: http://www.ccnm.edu/about.html

Anthroposophically Extended Medicine –Anthroposophical Medicine is a holistic, human-centered approach to medicine. Its basis is in modern medical science. Its concepts are broadened through a study of the laws of the living organism, of the soul and the spirit based on Anthroposophical Spiritual Science as founded by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).”

Source: http://www.paam.net/outline.htm

Anthroposophical Physicians are all Licensed Medical Doctors.

Homeopathic Physician - It is a scientific therapeutic method which embodies a philosophy of understanding people and illness in an holistic context with the goal of promoting optimal health and healing… A homeopathic physician is a medical or an osteopathic professional who has added homeopathic medicine to his/her armamentarium through organized education and/or self-study.

Source: http://www.homeopathyusa.org/faq/

Chinese Medicine – “Acupuncture: Oriental medicine is an effective, low cost medical treatment that works in harmony with the body's natural healing ability.”

Source: http://qi-journal.com/tcm.asp

Network Chiropractor – “ Network Spinal Analysis™ is an evidenced based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness.”

Source: http://www.associationfornetworkcare.com/whatisnsa.shtml

Osteopathic Physician – “ Developed 130 years ago by physician A.T. Still osteopathic medicine is one of the fastest growing healthcare professions in the U.S. and brings a unique philosophy to traditional medicine. With a strong emphasis on the inter-relationship of the body's nerves, muscles, bones and organs, doctors of osteopathic medicine, or D.O.s, apply the philosophy of treating the whole person to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease and injury.”

Source: http://www.osteopathic.org/index.cfm?PageID=ost_main

Healing the Body and Emotions

This booklet talks little about the emotional disturbances that underlie many of our negative habits. It is important to be open to feeling ones feelings and allowing the flow of life energy through the body. Being a parent and having a child often brings up feelings in the body. These feelings must be felt and examined in a healthy matter. Here is a list of some specialists who may be able to help facilitate emotional healing.

There are also practices and healing modalities which can support healing our emotional body, such as: Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, and Bio energetics or Core Energetics support the movement of life energy through the body. These practices increase self awareness, and deepen your trust of your body and its wisdom.

Other modalities can support the health of the body and emotions:

Reiki – “Reiki is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. Energy Healing involves direct application of Chi for the purpose of strengthening the clients energy system (aura).  Chi is the term used by the Chinese mystics and martial artists for the underlying force the Universe is made of.”

Source: http://reiki.7gen.com/

Barbara Brennan Healing Science – “ Brennan Healing Science is an enlightening system of healing that combines hands-on healing techniques with spiritual and psychological processes touching every aspect of your life.”

Source: http://www.barbarabrennan.com/welcome/healing_science.html

Transpersonal Psychology- “ Today, a more comprehensive view of human nature is developing… Based on observations and practices from many cultures, the transpersonal perspective is informed by modern psychology, the humanities and human sciences, as well as contemporary spiritual disciplines and the wisdom traditions.”
Source: http://www.atpweb.org/transperspect.asp

Core Energetics - C ore Energetics® (CE) is the dynamic force in the evolution of our core - Core Energetics® (CE) The Core represents the individualized universal life energy and with that, our essential being. Core Energetics supports the unfolding of our essential being on all levels of existence.
Source: http://www.coreenergeticinstitute.com/core_handout/

Bioenergetics - Bioenergetics is a way of understanding personality in terms of the body and its energetic processes. Bioenergetic Analysis is a form of therapy that combines work with the body and the mind to help people resolve their emotional problems and realize more of their potential for pleasure and joy in living.
Source: http://www.bioenergetic-therapy.com/

Pathwork – “ The Pathwork is a body of practical spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness, down to the very core of our being. It is a voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our defenses, denial and fear.”

Source: http://www.pathwork.org/


Life as we where made to live was not a life to be filled with suffering, and an utter denial of life’s pleasures. One of life’s greatest pleasure’s is child raising. When done rightly, in alignment with our internal instincts, and with nature’s innate expectations, childbirth, and raising can be a deeply fulfilling experience for the entire family. Sadly our modern culture has become disconnected from this instinct. The result of this disconnection has led to untold amounts of suffering. The primary causes of this suffering are not raising children in the natural manner. The suffering children grow up into the world, and then pass along the suffering to other’s when they are adults. Let the feelings of love blossom within you, give you child the divine gift of wholeness. Let us stop the violence and abuse of our children through conscious awareness. The way society is doing it is unhealthy, the change begins now, and it begins with you.

Book List with web links available at http://www.yourreturn.org/Articles/Bookstore.htm

Must Read:
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon – Healthy Nutrition for Mother and Child
Continuum Concept Jean Liedloff – The importance of raising your child naturally

Other Books Influential to this Booklet:
Diaper Free, The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene by Ingrid Bauer – Teacher elimination communication with infants, and supports Mother’s with comments and images about skin to skin contact, breastfeeding and responding to the baby’s needs.
A New Earth Eckhart Tolle, – To help encourage the awareness of inner peace.
Food is Your Best Medicine Henry Bieler – Cleansing and Healing through diet
Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health, Henry Bieler – Similar to food is your best medicine with more references to sexuality and childbirth.
Herbal Home Health Care Dr. John Christopher, – Treating childhood diseases naturally with herbs.
Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care, Bernard Jensen – Cleansing through supplements, enemas, and homemade cleanse
Birth Without Violence, Frederick Leboyer – Learning the child’s view of the birth process.
Magical Child, Rediscovering Nature’s plan for our Children, Joseph Chilton Pearce - how children evolve, and what their true needs are.

Other Books:
Yoga For Pregnancy, Sandra Jordan – Yoga for Pregnant Women
Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May Gaskin, - Celebrating birth and spirituality
Unassisted Childbirth, Laura Shanley - For those inspiring to birth alternatively
Childbirth Without Fear, Grantly Dick-Read – letting go of culture images about birth

Other Resources
A good resource about Childbirth - http://www.childbirthsolutions.com/


The copyright of this material, “The Parental Instinct” is the sole property of Rami Nagel. The author encourages the reproduction and distribution of this book provided it is done without charging a fee. The text may not be altered or abbreviated in any way, nor may the copyright, or any other notices be removed. You may quote or use parts of this document freely as a reference for other writings. The pictures are not to be removed from this document and may not be used in another other context without permission of the author or of the owners of the other pictures. To obtain copies of this document go to www.yourreturn.org

Disclaimer: The author of this document is not a licensed medical professional. The information presented is not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat disease. The author makes no assurances as to the accuracy neither of the data presented nor to the claims and information that are made by the referenced documents and web sites.


In the modern world, we have become lost and disconnected. We are sort of like isolated particles floating around in a vast space, trying to bring some sort of meaning to our meaningless existence. This paper summarizes how this affliction affects child raising. Most child raising practices are not based on the Natural principles of life encoded in our DNA. This is a review and a taste of some critical child raising practices and their deep positive impact on the family. The primary focuses are special nutritional factors that support a healthy pregnancy, the avoidance of toxic substances, and ways to create a natural bond between the mother and child. These nutritional factors, and efforts to create healthy bonding with children, are rare in the Western world. A variety of complications related to Pregnancy, Conception and Birth are a result not of a genetic dysfunction, but from a build up of toxins in the body and from the previously mentioned deficiency of certain nutritional factors. Sadly, this information is largely hidden from the public and doctors largely are unaware of it, yet it’s influence on the child and parents are extremely significant. You will learn key points to how our ancestors naturally raised children, by holding them close to their skins, for their early years of life. Other conditions are discussed from a holistic perspective, they include Infertility, diet after birth, the birth process, midwifes, self care, motherhood, dietary myths, circumcision, vaccinations, morning sickness, natural cleansing, miscarriage, breastfeeding, self care, slings, schooling, fatherhood, and natural healing.

This information is absolutely free, and we encourage you to distribute it to as many people as you can.


From the author of YourReturn.Org

Published Book

Pregnancy Books Healing Our Children

Healing Our Children reveals that each disease of pregnancy and childhood can be prevented naturally. The secrets of having a vibrant, healthy child are explained in easy to grasp terms.

Learn how to:
·substantially reduce your child's risk for every disease
·reduce your risk of birth defects by 1602%
·reduce your risk of miscarriage by 640%
·reduce your risk of premature births by 315%
·reverse infertility in 78.4% of the cases
·significantly reduce birth complications
·have a more comfortable pregnancy
·feel supported in holistic child raising practices
·have a child who meets and exceeds the intelligence for his age group
·shorten your recovery time after birth
·prevent autism
·prevent SIDS
·prevent post-partum depression
·prevent dental cavities
·and so much more...

Published Book

Cure Tooth Decay Print and eBook

Cure Tooth Decay teaches you how to heal and prevent cavities with organic foods.

· Save money on dental bills
· Five tooth decay healing protocols
· Effectiveness rate as high as 95%



Copyright © Rami Nagel, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Please link to my site, but do not copy the data without my permission first.

* Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am a human who's read many books and trained for five years in healing through energy. These statements are not intended to replace the advice of a licensed medical professional. The information on this web site is for informational purposes only. Nothing here is intended to cure, only to inform the reader of an alternative theory towards illness and how to take an active responsible part in creating their own healing.

If you need to contact the site owner for some reason, see contacts page for appropriate links.